The milkman

Gisteren nog eens naar Big Fish gekeken. Zowaar een lievelingsfilm. De film zit vol met leuke verhaaltjes en grapjes. Een echt fantasie wereldje. Nu heb ik speciaal voor jullie plezier een stukje uit de screenplay gehaald. Het is niet mijn favoriet stukje, en het is ook niet het beste dat in de film zit, maar toch zeer leuk.


(playfully lecherous)


She smiles.

Hi. How are you feeling?


I was dreaming.


What were you dreaming about?

He tries to recollect, but itÔø?s already gone. Josephine
motions, is it okay for her to sit on the bed? He nods.

I donÔø?t usually remember unless theyÔø?re
especially portentous. You know what
that word means, portentous?

She shakes her head.

EDWARD (contÔø?d)

Means when you dream about something
thatÔø?s going to happen.

(beat, gathering)

Like one night, I had a dream where
this crow came and told me, Ôø?Your Aunt
is going to die.Ôø? I was so scared I
woke up my parents. They told me it
was just a dream, to go back to bed.
But the next morning, my Aunt Stacy was


ThatÔø?s terrible.


Terrible for her, but think about me,
young boy with that kind of power.
WasnÔø?t three weeks later that the crow
came back to me in a dream and said,
Ôø?Your Grampa is going to die.Ôø? Well, I
ran right back to my parents. My
father said, no, Gramps is fine, but I
could see there was trepidation. And
true enough, that next morning my
Grampa was dead.

He sits up a bit in bed, his strength returning.
EDWARD (contÔø?d)

For the next couple weeks, I didnÔø?t
have another dream. Until one night
the crow came back and said, Ôø?Your
Daddy is going to die.Ôø?


Well, I didnÔø?t know what to do. But
finally I told my father. And he said
not to worry, but I could tell he was
rattled. That next day, he wasnÔø?t
himself, always looking around, waiting
for something to drop on his head.

Because the crow didnÔø?t tell how it was
going to happen, just those words:
your Daddy is going to die. Well, he
went into town early and was gone for a
long time. And when he finally came
back, he looked terrible, like he was
waiting for the axe to fall all day.
He said to my mother, Ôø?Good God. I
just had the worst day of my life.Ôø?


Ôø?You think youÔø?ve had a bad day,Ôø? she
said. Ôø?This morning the milkman
dropped dead on the porch!Ôø?

Josephine smiles, a half-laugh, which gets him smiling too.
A long beat. Then, deadpanÔø?

EDWARD (contÔø?d)
Because see, my mother was banging the

11 december 2004

Fun, Quotes

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