Posts getagged met "lijstjes"

Laat het maar komen

31 december 2004

.. dat nieuwe jaar. 2004 is denk ik een van mijn slechtere jaren geweest. En ja ik weet het er zijn veel erge zaken gebeurd dit jaar, oorlog in Irak, Bush herverkozen, en dan de Tsunami. Maar ik ga nu eens … lees verder ›

100 Top Grossing Movies

7 juli 2004

I know, I know. It's been a while, it's just that I'm pretty busy these days, running around doing odd jobs. And it doesn't look like it will get any better. Allthough, I do have the time to write up this … lees verder ›

18 questions

17 april 2004

I'm not really a mÔø?me person, but there are always exeptions. And well I'm working on a mÔø?me section to add to the 'about me' page. So I decided to go along with this community mÔø?me created by Neil and his … lees verder ›

100 things about me

27 januari 2004

Saw this over at Neil's World. It's a list with 100 items. The ones that apply to yourself you put in bold. So here is my list. Enjoy! <!--more--> When I was younger I made some bad decisions I don't watch much TV … lees verder ›

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