Boigrin Spinner

Ever wondered what your name would be if you were a Hobbit? Go over to the Middle-earth name translator. And have a little laugh. For those who do not know what a Hobbit is, go and see Lord of the Rings!

Update: the translator is dead. Doesn't exist anymore. Sorry.

Dear Stijn De Meyere,
If you were a Hobbit, your name would be Boigrin Spinner
and if you were a (male) Man, your name would be Tun
and if you were an Elf, your name would be Anendel
and if you were a Dwarf, your name would be Gleli
and if you were an Orc, your name would be Porag
Your nearest Tavern might be called The Inn of the Highlighted

and your sword would be called Andurlos

14 januari 2004

English, Film, Fun, testjes

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