Quality nonsense

Quality content. The most likely answer to: "What makes a good blog?". Oh, ok. Right, quality content, I can do that, can't I? But what is this quality content? What do you expect yourself to write, what do your readers expect, and what do you expect from your readers?

I know. These are questions that have been asked over and over again. More than a handfull of blogger have tried answering them. And I think I can more or less anwser these questions for myself. But there is something else I was wondering; can nonsense be good quality?



It all started with Keith's post on a successful blog and deel2. Over at deel2 we tend to write some nonsense every once in while. Nonsense being nothing really relevant or serious.

Say I'd write an entry on how I met a llama downtown yesterday and that we had a great time in a nearby pub. He'd be talking about how awfull he was treated down at the zoo and that he decided to just walk out and have a go at a life on his own. Eventually the conversation would end in both of us spitting politics at eachother.

Is this quality? If you're a good storyteller you would undoubtly make a good entry out of that. Why, after a year of blogging you could publish a novel with your fantasy world in it. But is this what readers are looking for on the web? I'd like to think so, but I guess not. What do you think?

17 augustus 2004

Bloggen, English

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