Text-messaging contest.

It has always been very popular for magazines and TV shows to give away all sorts of products, ranging from a beauty kit too CD's too a full week out on international waters. All you had to do was make a quick phone call or send a postcard.

Now the most popular way of doing this is sending a text-message. Tick in the contest code and your answer and send it to the given number. If you haven't received a reply within a few weeks, to bad you lost, better luck next time.


A month ago, maybe two, I decided, for the first time to participate in such a contest. It was a DVD contest in a tech magazine I read every month. The prize: Matchstick Men. A farily good movie (if you liked it, you'll certainley like Confidence). The question (translated from Dutch):

Nicholas Cage is familly of a famous director. Who?
  1. Steven Spielberg
  2. Francis Ford Coppola
  3. George Lucas
  4. Wim Wenders

Ow, that's an easy one. Coppola off course! Surley this can't be it. Nope, there's also a "schiftings question" (I can't seem to find the English term), i.e. howmany seconds did it take to...? Normally I would forget about it and continue reading. I'm never that lucky. But what the heck, I sent in my answer.

Two weeks ago I received a reply from the magazine that I had won the DVD of Matchstick Men, ooh luckey me. All I had to do was reply (another text-message) my name and address. Yesterday I went to the postoffice to pick up my DVD.

Was it beginners luck? And why did it take so long for the results? Anyway, I decided to praticipate every month from now, seems you never know when your luckey. Anyone else with good experiences?

5 juni 2004

Ego, English, Film, netwerk, wedstrijd

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