It has always been very popular for magazines and TV shows to give away all sorts of products, ranging from a beauty kit too CD's too a full week out on international waters. All you had to do was make a quick phone call or send a postcard.
Now the most popular way of doing this is sending a text-message. Tick in the contest code and your answer and send it to the given number. If you haven't received a reply within a few weeks, to bad you lost, better luck next time.
<!--more-->A month ago, maybe two, I decided, for the first time to participate in such a contest. It was a DVD contest in a tech magazine I read every month. The prize: Matchstick Men. A farily good movie (if you liked it, you'll certainley like Confidence). The question (translated from Dutch):
Nicholas Cage is familly of a famous director. Who?
- Steven Spielberg
- Francis Ford Coppola
- George Lucas
- Wim Wenders
Ow, that's an easy one. Coppola off course! Surley this can't be it. Nope, there's also a "schiftings question" (I can't seem to find the English term), i.e. howmany seconds did it take to...? Normally I would forget about it and continue reading. I'm never that lucky. But what the heck, I sent in my answer.
Two weeks ago I received a reply from the magazine that I had won the DVD of Matchstick Men, ooh luckey me. All I had to do was reply (another text-message) my name and address. Yesterday I went to the postoffice to pick up my DVD.
Was it beginners luck? And why did it take so long for the results? Anyway, I decided to praticipate every month from now, seems you never know when your luckey. Anyone else with good experiences?