Just returned from a great night out. Had some real fun back in my trusted bar after these weeks of hard studying.
Now it's time to clean up my room, do the dishes and head back home. In a couple of hours … lees verder ›
A few months ago I made a design for a poster for a party of my student organisation. The reason I did it was mainly to learn something and have some fun. When I finished the design I showed it to … lees verder ›
My blog is barley a month old, and already I am experiencing limitations of my sites design as I play with the thoughts of new features and improvements. Specially the sidebar which I don't want to overload with content and links. … lees verder ›
Actually I'm not the kind of guy that celebrates the beginning of a new year. I hardly even celebrate my own birthday. But this year it was different. I ended the year having a good time with friends. Started off with … lees verder ›
Haven't got much time so a merry Christmas to all!! … lees verder ›
Met spijt in het hart moet ik meedelen dat er geen verkleden waren op de Jeugdhelden Avond. Dit betekent dan ook dat ik geen foto's heb voor jullie. Ik heb echter wel nog foto's van een ander evenement waarover later meer. … lees verder ›
Vanavond is er weer eens een thema-avond in het Politika Kaffee - Jeugdhelden avond. Het laatste van het jaar, van dit semester. Hierna is er vakantie en blok, om vervolgens examens af te leggen in januarie. Maar goed, vanavond is het … lees verder ›
The last time I went snowboarding someone misstook my board for his. Fact is, my board was gone and I was very unhappy about it. My parents promised me at the time to partially pay me a new one for Christmas. … lees verder ›
Whenever someone reaches my site through a search engine I take a look at the terms used to find me. This afternoon someone found me through google searching for sken (obviously). When browsing through the other results the title Definition … lees verder ›
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