Foto's getagged met "mensen"

The first

27 juli 2004

The first

Today is a year ago I bought my Nikon Coolpix 4300. I was on a weekend to Strasbourg with my father. Since the camera was about 150 euros cheaper then here in Belgium, I decided to buy it there.

This is the first picture I took with it, the batteries were just charged. I put them in the camera, turned it on, pointed and shot. The beginning of my interest in photography. I've now learned a lot about photography and worked with both digital and film camera's. I really love working with a proper SLR, but I'm a bit hooked to the digital way of life. So I'm really looking forward to working with this.

Getting ready

21 juli 2004

Getting ready

At the Beleuvenissen past friday. We were lucky with the weather then, I hope we will be lucky again this friday. The theme is tropical, a nice sun always makes a better tropical evening.


29 juni 2004


I went to Bruges yesterday, and allthough I went there to school for a couple of years, I didn't have any pictures. So I took my camera along planning to make some great pictures of typical Bruges. But to my great disapointment I had left my camera on resulting in a dead battery. Looks like I'll have to continue with the archives.

Street Play

26 juni 2004

Street Play

Here is one from the archives. It was taken in Strasbourg during the summer of 2003. I had a real good time listening to these guys. Their music was really swinging.

Helping hand

23 juni 2004

Helping hand

Whever you start complaining about someone taking your picture, take the following in consideration: And if these pictures have anything important to say to future generations, it's this: I was here. I existed. I was young, I was happy, and someone cared enough about me in this world to take my picture. - Seymour 'Sy' Parrish, One Hour Photo


22 juni 2004


Now why would you want to take my photograph?!


21 juni 2004


Give me a low five

14 juni 2004

Give me a low five

This is the last in the wedding series. This little guy was playing with his grandmother. Too bad I didn't get them together.

Absent minded

13 juni 2004

Absent minded

Looks like he lost his concentration there. I guess the conversation wasn't that interesting after all.

So you mean

12 juni 2004

So you mean

And we continue with the wedding series.

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