Ons eigenste Bono, nergens vind je een grotere fan van U2.
trio (het ~, ~'s): 4 | seks tussen drie personen [vaak verkleinvorm] => trioseks, 5 | drie personen die tegelijk seks hebben
bron: http://www.vandale.nl/
Ze zien er wel uit alsof ze een zware nacht achter de rug hebben...
Richten, actie en schieten maar!
Wat een glimlach!
Ondanks het feit dat de bovenste foto lichtjes overbelicht is vind ik het toch een plezant duo :)
Tijd voor een reeks portretten!
Posting again! Joy! And what is nicer than to start with a smile! I want to apologize to my English readers, but this is the last official English post. As of tomorrow I am going to continue activities in Dutch. But hey, the words aren't that important anyway right? Sorry.
Today is a year ago I bought my Nikon Coolpix 4300. I was on a weekend to Strasbourg with my father. Since the camera was about 150 euros cheaper then here in Belgium, I decided to buy it there.
This is the first picture I took with it, the batteries were just charged. I put them in the camera, turned it on, pointed and shot. The beginning of my interest in photography. I've now learned a lot about photography and worked with both digital and film camera's. I really love working with a proper SLR, but I'm a bit hooked to the digital way of life. So I'm really looking forward to working with this.
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